February 7, 2018

Heritage Concert II of NAYCO


NAYCO  offered up a rendition of the Heritage Concert II

on May 27, 2018

at Asia Society Texas Center



Click Here to See Concert Photos


The North America Youth Chinese Orchestra is a non- profit organization founded in 2012 by Changlu Wu. The orchestra aspires to promote Chinese traditional music and culture and cultural exchanges between the East and West.

Under the leadership of Changlu Wu, a renowned pipa virtuoso and music educator, the young musicians have won numerous awards including First Prize at the 2015 International Youth
Talent Competition in Houston, First Prize at the United States Internal Music Competition at
Stanford University, and the annual Houston Young Artists’ Concert. They have been invited to
perform at the Houston Symphony Day of Music, the Houston Museum of Fine Arts and many
local cultural events, including the Houston Asian American Festival, the Houston International
Festival and the Multi Culture Music Festival. Ms. Wu also instills in them the value of hard
work and the spirit and joy of serving the community. They often perform at senior centers,
churches and schools.

The Orchestra is proud to present its Heritage Concert II which showcases the talents of the young musicians and features a special guest, Lili Wang, a famed erhu player, educator and
professor at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. They will perform in ensemble, solo, trio, in
different combinations of classical, contemporary, folk, and pop music widely celebrated at
home and abroad.



Our Special Guest

Lili Wang  

Famed erhu player, educator, associate professor and tutor for the master degree
program at the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.



Our Program

Program Description樂曲介紹

“Pipa Classic” is a refreshing music suite of several classical pipa music meticulously arranged by Changlu Wu. At times, it’s soothing and graceful, at times it’s explosive and intense.  Enjoy both the serenity of the idyllic life and fierceness of battle scenes.《琵琶經典》是由吳長璐老師精心編排的壹組具代表性的琵琶經典樂曲。或舒緩委婉或緊張激烈, 帶您體會花好月圓的靜美及鐵馬金戈的宏大悲壯。


“Standing on a High Post” is the guzheng rendition of a lively, popular Taiwanese folk song. The endearing melody depicts the passionate and good nature of the people living in the mountains.《站在高崗上》這是壹首由姚敏作曲的臺灣流行歌曲,周成龍先生把它改編成古箏重奏曲,充分發揮了古箏特色。 吳長璐老師的編排使旋律更加熱情奔放,親切動人,表現出高山族人民山壹般的胸懷和善良的本質,是壹首耐人回味的樂曲。



“The Butterfly Lovers” This skillfully arranged Guzheng rendition was based on the masterpiece composed in1958. It tells the tragic love story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai. Zhu, from a wealthy family disguised as a male to study in a private academy where she fell in love with Liang who came from a humble background. He was delighted to find out Zhu’s true identity when he visited her, only to be shocked that Zhu’s parents had arranged her marriage to a wealthy man. Liang died of a broken heart. Legend had it that when Zhu stopped by to mourn him on her wedding day, the grave opened up for her.  The two lovers were transformed into a pair of butterflies that lived happily there after!《梁祝》《梁祝小提琴協奏曲》,常簡稱為《梁祝》,由上海音樂學院學生何占豪、陳鋼以越劇《梁山伯與祝英臺》的旋律為基礎於1958年創作完成。《梁山伯與祝英臺》是中國古代民間四大愛情故事之壹,是中國最具魅力的口頭傳承藝術及國家級非物質文化遺產,也是唯壹在世界上產生廣泛影響的中國民間傳說。



 “Czardas” this is an Erhu adaptation of the work of the Italian composer Vittorio Monti. The piece, originally composed for violin based on a Hungarian dance, features dramatic tempo changes which makes it melodious, delightful, exciting and ecstatic.《查爾達斯》是意大利作曲家蒙蒂的壹首小提琴曲,中國演奏家將其移植為二胡曲,曲名是壹種舞蹈的名稱。樂曲前半部分悠揚而舒緩而富有歌唱性;第二部分速度迅急,情緒熱烈。


“Birds Chirping in the Mountain” is a famed Erhu solo music.  It depicts the refreshing scenery of birds singing in the desolated mountain. This piece provides the Erhu master ample opportunities to showcase her skills and talents.《空山鳥語》是壹首著名的二胡獨奏曲。描繪了深山幽谷,百鳥嚶啼的優美意境,令人心曠神怡。



Forest Rhapsody and Little Apple《森林幻想曲与小苹果》

“Forest Rhapsody” Adapted from the popular ocarina music in Taiwan, the melody is lively, delightful and uplifting.《森林幻想曲》是一首台湾脍炙人口的陶笛乐曲,它曲风欢快,生动,给人以无限的遐想。

“Little Apple” is adapted from the sensational global hit song by the Chopstick Brothers. The rhythm is brisk, lively and easy to remember. The ” apple ” in the lyrics is one of the fruits that people love. It is used to symbolize the person one cherishes.《小苹果》的创作初衷是向复古迪斯科致敬,曲風輕快,旋律易記,而歌詞中的“苹果”是人们鍾愛的水果之一,用来比喻珍爱的人。



“Music Fairyland” is a refreshing suite of favorite music adapted by Changlu WU and performed with the guzheng, pipa and ruan.  《乐之梦》是由吳長璐老師精心編排的一組大家喜愛的樂曲, 團員們用古箏, 琵琶和阮演奏不同風格樂曲, 給觀眾們带來耳目一新的感覺。


“The Moon Reflected on ErQuan Spring” is a masterpiece of Erhu solo music that showcases the unique techniques, styles, and charm of the instrument. It was composed and played by Yanjun Hua who was blind. The melancholic rendition is an expression and reflection on China’s old society where life was hard, the future seemed bleak, and a society afflicted by cultural and economic malaise. If there is a music that can make one’s soul weep, this is it.《二泉映月》這首樂曲自始至終流露的是壹位飽嘗人間辛酸和痛苦的盲藝人的思緒情感,作品展示了獨特的民間演奏技巧與風格,顯示了中國二胡藝術的獨特魅力。《二泉映月》是中國民間器樂創作曲目中的瑰寶之壹。


“Joy” This lively piece portrays the farming community’s bliss of the harvest celebration alive with emotions and humor.《喜悅》 樂曲以流傳在中國江南地區的曲藝品種——蘇州評彈的音樂為素材,充分運用中國彈撥樂器的各種技巧,表現了中國農民獲得豐收後的喜悅之情,音樂充滿了幽默、風趣的情緒。




“Fantasia Espanola”Enjoy this rendition of a robust Spanish string orchestra piece played with an ensemble of Chinese traditional and western instruments. It exemplifies the bridge connecting the East and the West, past and future. Indeed, music has no boundary, a common language for all. 《艾斯潘諾拉幻想曲》是壹首具有濃郁西班牙風格的西洋弦樂協奏曲。 用中國樂器演奏西方現代音樂作品, 可謂中西碰撞,時空穿梭。今晚的演奏是這首樂曲首次超越國界和時間的制約,用音樂藝術這壹人類的共同語言,展示出西班牙人的熱情奔放。“Fantasia Espanola”Enjoy this rendition of a robust Spanish string orchestra piece played with an ensemble of Chinese traditional and western instruments. It exemplifies the bridge connecting the East and the West, past and future. Indeed, music has no boundary, a common language for all.



 “Horse Racing” Adapted from the famed Erhu solo masterpiece, it paints a vivid horse racing scene at a Mongolian festival. Through the brisk, unrestrained melody. one can experience the intensity of the galloping horses, the boldness of the imposing riders and the excitement of the cheering crowd.《賽馬》是黃海懷創作的壹首二胡獨奏曲。樂曲以其磅礴的氣勢、熱烈的氣息、奔放的旋律而深受人們喜愛。無論是氣宇軒昂的賽手,還是奔騰嘶鳴的駿馬,都表現得惟妙惟肖。音樂在群馬的嘶鳴聲中展開,旋律粗獷奔放,在我們面前展現了壹幅生動熱烈的賽馬場面。



Our Performers


Erhu Solo
Lili Wang
Pipa Solo
Changlu Wu
Brendon Jiang
Kaye Chen
Cheryl Wang
Jerry Lu
Shirley Yan
Amanda Fu
Kaelyn Ni
Yinlin Ni
Philip Zhang
Ethan Zhang
Arnold Zhang
RunYan Zhou
Natalie Ling
Tinyi Lii
Timmothy So
Elizabeth Zhang
Ashley Wang
Susanna Yu
Michelle Ma
Lauren Wang
Alisha Lin
Aylin Cibik
Jada Li
Sophia Huang
Audrey Li
Sarah Li
Cathy Cui
May Wei
Brian Hu
Victoria Zheng
Ashley Hsiung
Keke Hua
Joyce Luo
Ho Sum Yu
Richard Sun
Shannon Sun
Teresa So
Michelle zhang
Cindy Zou
Elizabeth Zhang
Christina Ji
Samantha Gomez
Timothy So
Jonathan Chang
Aaron Abraham
Lexie Livingood
Ricky Shan
Justin Ma
John Henry Cruz
Nathan Nguyen
William Azadi
Neo Scott
Joshua Sun